Because of the subprime problem derived by the Lehman Brothers collapse, the current global crisis has having a significant impact on our lives. And while the economy globalization continued to progress, the income growth stays behind and nation debt is increasing. In this scenario, the economic outlook is really uncertain.
The social security is getting obscure as well, leading people to start privately protecting themselves while the retirement age is approaching.
老後の生活が心配…84% でも 老後の資金計画は特にない72% 公的年金はあてにならない…81.8% でも 年金がいくらもらえるか調べた事がない79% 公的年金だけでは老後に生活は難しい…72.5% でも 資産が1000万以下72% ※大手生命保険会社がリタイアメント・ライフに関して退職者の約6万人におこなった調査より。
The collapse of the pension system and the subsequent collapse of major life insurance could be a scenario we may have to face in the near future. Dualtap Co., Ltd tailor-made property management proposes a professional life concierge support that will meet our customers needs at best. For yourself and for the future of your family, please consider this opportunity as we offer a service from which you will always be satisfied.