Contact us - InquiriesInquiry

Contact us - Inquiries

All the customer personal information received will be handled confidentially, in order to deal with customers inquiries and to provide them with the best possible service.
The collected personal details may be used to contact you by mail, telephone or e-mail to efficiently deal with your queries.
If you have any requests concerning your information, please report your concerns and contact us. Upon customer notification we will stop sending you notifications.
After completing the following form, please press the "Confirm" button.
*Required - Please fill the *Required marked fields in order to process your inquiry.

Name *Required Name Surname
Phonetic *Required Name Surname (Katakana)
Postal code -
住所 *Required Address
State / City

例) 品川区
Street, Building name, room number

例)東五反田5-23-7 ABCマンション 101号室
Phone number *Required - -
FAX number - -
E-mail address *Required
Occupation *Required
eal estate already in possession
Desired purpose
How did you hear about Dualtap Co., Ltd?


Your Inquiry

After having reviewed and agreed with our privacy policy, please press the “Confirm” button.